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Court watch

European Court of Justice (ECJ), May 16, 2024
ECJ 16 May 2024, case C-673/22 (INSS (Congés d’une mère de famille monoparentale)), Maternity and parental leave
CC – v – TGSS & INSS, Spanish case


The ECJ rules that the request for a preliminary ruling on whether single-parent families may fall within the scope of Article 5(8) of Directive 2019/1158 and whether the minimum EU rules imposed on the Member States include the obligation to provide a legal framework adapted to the specific needs of single-parent families as regards the balance between work and private life, is inadmissible. 


The Court rules that the request for a preliminary ruling made by the Juzgado de lo Social No 1 de Sevilla (Social Court No 1, Seville, Spaning), by decision of 28 September 2022, is inadmissible.